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Nehal Kapadiya
Nehal Kapadiya
Python Developer
I am Nehal Kapadiya. I have completed my B.E. in Computers. I am a Python developer with almost 1.1 years of experience and my expertise is in Django.

The best part about working here at eLeoRex is the team and environment of the company. Working as a team, you learn many new things from other team members. In the future, I see myself as a successful senior developer. To improve me, I focus on my weaknesses and keep learning new things. My best memory with eLeoRex is when we were doing practice for drama. One thing that inspires me to come to the office is the environment.

I think dogs are cute, intelligent and they understand us. I like traveling and I wish to visit the Maldives and go on a world tour. I enjoy having dinner with my family, going on long drives, listening to music, traveling, and shopping. I cannot live without my mobile and I am a loyal person. I would never eat curd and I am afraid of caterpillars. I want a superpower using which I can solve all the problems and I believe in hard work. I would be an air hostess if not in the IT sector.